Frequently Asked Questions About Aviation Insurance Answered

Frequently Asked Questions About Aviation Insurance Answered

May 6, 2024

Aviation insurance is a crucial component of aircraft ownership and operation, providing protection against a wide range of risks. However, navigating the complexities of aviation insurance can be daunting for both seasoned aviators and newcomers to the industry. Here is a list of frequently asked questions about aviation insurance along with detailed answers to help …

Can You Fly an Airplane Without Aviation Insurance?

Can You Fly an Airplane Without Aviation Insurance?

May 15, 2023

If you own your own aircraft and you aren’t fully insured, you won’t be able to use FBO services or travel internationally. While it’s essential that you have aviation insurance, which is also called aircraft insurance, it’s just as important to have enough insurance. Being under-insured could cost you a lot of money. Why Do …

Georgia’s Legislature Battles the Pilot Shortage

Georgia’s Legislature Battles the Pilot Shortage

March 20, 2023

As the pilot shortage drones on in the United States, some states are taking action to address it. According to the Georgia Department of Economic Development, the aerospace industry has an economic impact of $68.2 billion. To help address the pilot shortage, the state of Georgia has taken some steps. What Georgia Is Doing to …

Easing the Ownership Journey for Business Aircraft with Vulcan

Easing the Ownership Journey for Business Aircraft with Vulcan

January 2, 2023

Vulcan Aviation, a full-service business aviation services company, launched in 2021 with headquarters at Farnborough Airport, the United Kingdom’s only dedicated business aviation hub. The company helps discerning customers with every aspect of the aircraft acquisition process. What Is Vulcan Aviation? Although Vulcan is a new company, its directors have been in the business for …

Shell Plans One of Europe’s Biggest Sustainable Aviation Fuel Plants

Shell Plans One of Europe’s Biggest Sustainable Aviation Fuel Plants

December 29, 2022

Shell announced in 2021 that it would open the Shell Energy and Chemicals Park Rotterdam facility to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) in the Netherlands. The company expects production to begin in 2024. The plan is a part of the company’s goals to produce around 2 million metric tonnes of SAF a year globally by …

Pros and Cons of Fractional Private Jet Ownership

Pros and Cons of Fractional Private Jet Ownership

November 17, 2022

If you prefer to fly on a private jet instead of flying commercial, there are multiple options available to you. You could own your own aircraft, you could charter private jets whenever you wanted to fly, or you could enter into a fractional ownership arrangement. Fractional jet ownership is when multiple people own an aircraft …

Issues Discussed at the Global Aerospace Summit

Issues Discussed at the Global Aerospace Summit

November 3, 2022

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, which represents more than 3 million businesses in the country, held the 2022 Global Aerospace Summit this September to discuss the pressing issues in the aviation industry. Issues Discussed at the Global Aerospace Summit Ahead of the summit, Carol B. Hallett, a 5,000-hour pilot who has served as legal counsel …

Southwest Airlines Invests in Sustainable Fuel

Southwest Airlines Invests in Sustainable Fuel

October 26, 2022

The aviation industry has been looking for ways to embrace sustainability and environmentally friendly practices to help offset the carbon footprint involved with air travel. These measures have included sustainable airports and more. Another recent effort is Southwest Airlines’ investment in sustainable fuel. Southwest Airlines Invests in SAFFiRE Renewables, LLC In 2021, Southwest Airlines announced …

What Does Aviation Insurance Cover?

What Does Aviation Insurance Cover?

October 12, 2022

Aviation insurance is a must for anyone who owns or operates an aircraft. While in many locations, there aren’t necessarily laws requiring aviation insurance, it’s still a good idea. This is because FBOs typically won’t allow uninsured pilots or aircraft to land at their facilities. Additionally, the amount you would pay for repairs or injuries …

Airbus to Release New Electric Air Taxi

Airbus to Release New Electric Air Taxi

August 15, 2022

In September of 2021 at Airbus’ Pioneering Sustainable Aerospace summit in Toulouse, France, the company announced its latest CityAirbus, NextGen, which is an electric air taxi. The company plans to have the NextGen prototype ready for its first flight by 2023. What Is Airbus’ NextGen? NextGen is Airbus’ latest eVTOL aircraft. eVTOL stands for electric …