Protect Your Aircraft from Damage
Ground Risk Hull Insurance
Insure your jet against damage that can occur while it’s on the ground
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Insure your aircraft on the ground
Although it is meant to fly, your aircraft does also spend a great deal of time on the ground. It’s just as important to insure your jet against any damage that could occur when it’s landed as it is to insure it when it’s in the air. Ground risk hull insurance will cover your aircraft whenever it’s not flying.
What is ground risk hull insurance?
Ground risk hull insurance is the type of aviation insurance that covers an aircraft when it’s on the ground. The term hull comes from nautical terminology, where it was used to refer to the body of a ship. In aviation, it refers to the body of the aircraft and, for insurance purposes, also typically includes both the body of the aircraft and any parts that are affixed to it.
Depending on your insurance company, there may be one ground risk hull insurance policy that covers anything that happens on the ground or your policy may be divided into two: ground risk hull (non-motion) insurance and ground risk hull (motion) insurance.
What is ground risk hull (non-motion) insurance?
This type of insurance policy covers any damage that occurred when your aircraft was not in motion. This damage could occur when the aircraft was in a hangar or if it was parked on a tarmac.
What is ground risk hull (motion) insurance?
Ground risk hull (motion) insurance is similar to its non-motion counterpart in terms of what it covers. In cases where there are separate policies for non-motion and motion, this type of policy is meant for when the aircraft is taxiing or taking off.
What does ground risk hull insurance cover?
While each individual policy may differ, a typical ground risk hull insurance policy covers the following for both non-motion and motion:
What is the difference between ground risk hull insurance and liability insurance?
Ground risk hull insurance covers damage that happens to your aircraft. Liability insurance, by contrast, would cover damage or injuries caused by your aircraft to other people or their property.
Who needs ground risk hull insurance
Anyone who owns an aircraft should take out a ground risk hull insurance policy. Whether you store your aircraft in a hangar or tie it down on a tarmac when it’s not in use, it’s possible for damage to occur. This not only protects you from financial losses should something happen to your aircraft but also means that you’ll be allowed to take advantage of FBO services and land in other countries.
FBOs require aviation insurance
The United States has no federal law requiring that an aircraft be insured. However, FBOs typically do require that anyone who wants to use them must be insured. This includes everything from access to lounges and concierge services to hangaring and tie-down services. If your aircraft isn’t fully insured, FBOs won’t want the liability of your aircraft on their premises.
International travel requires aviation insurance
If you want to travel internationally using your private jet, then full coverage with your aviation insurance is a must. Many countries will restrict entry and not allow your aircraft entry. Each country’s minimum insurance requirements may differ, so it’s best to err on the side of fully covered instead of risking too little coverage.
How much ground risk hull insurance do you need?
How much ground risk hull insurance you need depends on the value of your aircraft. It’s important not to under-insure your aircraft because this could result in you either receiving a lot less than would be needed to perform repairs or the insurance company could simply declare it a loss when it might not otherwise be. Choose your policy based on the actual value of your aircraft.
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